Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Clean or Christian?

There is a debate out there in Christendom's comedy world. The question is, can you be a clean comedian and still be Christian or to be a Christian comedian, should you use the title "clean" to characterize what you do? Well, DUH! If you're a true Christian, I would hope your comedy is clean! HELLO! In my opinion, all Christian comedy should be clean, however, all clean comedy isn't Christian. Take your Dennis Regan's for example. As far as I know, he doesn't name the name of Christ, but his comedy is clean and family-friendly.

Just because a comedian who is a believer chooses to do clean comedy and work secular venues doesn't mean they've "sold out", (what, are there no more copies of them available or what?); or that they're no longer saved. Our redemption would be mighty flimsy if that is the case. Now on balance, playing secular venues should inspire certain disciplines and absolutes in order to avoid compromise --- to be sure. Of course there are a few whose "crossover" to the secular market orwhose efforts to work both the Christian and secular are motivated by greed and the pursuit of "fame"--- but I believe they are in the minority.

We should be careful not to judge others in what they are doing, Matthew 7:1. We don't know where God has called people to go, or what purpose He has for their lives. Our infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent God is not limited by any genre, discipline, or field. He cannot be muzzled, stifled, or excluded from anywhere. If we believe in and have accepted the name and sacrifice of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the Righteous; then we carry Him wherever we go.